Trinity Sunday 2013

This week I am a little preoccupied. As I write this reflection it is Wednesday and my youngest grandson is a little over due and seems reluctant to be born. He is making his presence felt, especially for our poor daughter in law, Melanie, yet he is not yet here. As a family we are in this time of waiting, this time of anticipation. It seems to me that the world… and Christians in particular, are in a similar state. We believe in a God who is and was, and is to come. We believe that God has always been in existence, God came into the world as a human being – and we await his coming again. God is Mystery and this week we explore that mystery in the Trinity.

The week’s readings offer rich images of God – God who is somehow three, but one – God (and Wisdom) who create, Jesus the Christ who redeems, and the Spirit who guides us into all truth.

In Words for Worship we read “If God cannot be contained in one nature, which is one way of understanding the Trinity, then who are we to contain, control, or constrain our experience of God and our expression of that experience? Sadly, we know that the church has had a deal of experience in controlling people’s understanding of God but less experience in inviting people to express the understandings of God that they have received from the world around them and their own lives. How are we to be good stewards of what we have been given, our traditions and all that we have learnt from those who have gone before, and at the same time encourage and support new understandings of and new insights into the nature of God?”

What is Gods call for us at this time? What is Wisdom’s voice saying to us today?


Reverend Shan