St Paul’s Anniversaries

St. Paul’s has recently celebrated two important anniversaries:

  • the Centenary of our hall, which was dedicated by Archdeacon Henry Le Fanu on 10th November, 1914
  • and the Golden Anniversary of our church, dedicated by Bishop W. Hudson on 22nd November, 1964.

A beautiful commemorative book “Here at the Edge of the Sea” has been published. It offers a detailed history of the parish from 1890-2014. A DVD of 176 coloured photos is included. The cost of this package? $36.00.

In addition, engraved commemorative wine glasses are available for the cost of $7.00 each. Two beautiful mementoes of 120 years of faithful worship.

Phone – 33962745 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am to noon

email: [email protected]

Dustcover of "Here at the Edge of the Sea"
Dustcover of “Here at the Edge of the Sea”
Commemorative glasses on display
Commemorative glasses on display
Books at the Altar
Books at the Altar