Advent 2b – 7th December 2014

Change – Who likes change?

Some people thrive on change; others struggle with the unfamiliar and are comforted by what they know. As we steadily prepare for Christmas in 2014 we would be wise to remember that time changes everything, bit by bit, imperceptibly! The world we live in today is very different to the world, as it was, at our birth! Yet, in our inmost being we are no different to the people of Jesus time – we live, we grow, we laugh and love, we fear, we hurt, we cry & die!

Each Advent we remember four of the unchanging gifts of God – Hope, peace, joy and Love – all of which remain in the midst of the turmoil of life.

This year we do so in a slightly different way. Today we light the candle of Preparation – not peace. Why? Because the world of people is not truly at peace and even the hearts of “the faithful” struggle to find a place of peace to recognize and receive the gift of Christ.

Is your heart prepared? Are you ready for what is yet to come? In the craziness of life is there space in your heart for peace to bloom?

As the candle of Preparation is lit, today, we pray – God of promise, as we journey toward another Christmas season,
give us your grace so we may focus on preparing ourselves to receive your life anew. Amen.

Perhaps, as part of your preparation for Christmas you might physically and spiritually set aside a time each day, to light your own candle, and to clear your heart and mind of all that is not “peace” in readiness to receive the fullness of love and joy of Christ.

Many blessings

Reverend Shan