2nd Sunday After Pentecost – 2nd June 2013

My apologies for my absence this week but it is wonderful to be able to have a first hand greeting  with our new grandson.

Meanwhile, prior to leaving I admit to a great deal of distress with regard to the most recent revelations of abuse in and through institutions connected with the Anglican Church. That the voices of victims should be ignored or silenced is appalling and a further misuse of power and authority. This weeks gospel reading raises questions about authority… sadly the “church” has been instrumental in misusing, or allowing the misuse of, power.

I leave you with some thoughts to ponder from “Word’s For Worship”

What does it mean that Jesus was “a man under authority”? What might it mean for us in a culture where we treasure personal autonomy and have seen so much damage done by people in authority? How should we understand our calling as people of faith with regard to authority? When a person operates under the authority of another, they are given many of the powers of the person in whose authority they act. What powers to act are we given as followers of Jesus and children of God? What responsibilities does this give us in the way we meet together and in the way we minister in our communities?


Reverend Shan