21st July 2013 – 9th Sunday After Pentecost C – OS 16C

The Jesuit author, Gerald M. Fagin, writes about reverence with great clarity. “The reverent person notices and responds to the mystery of life and the sacredness of all things.  Reverence is an attitude of dependence and humility…a longing for something greater.” It seems that this is where we find Mary in our gospel reading for today.

While we need to be careful about making value judgements on the activities of Mary and Martha,  the text makes it clear that, at that particular point of time, Mary chose the needed ‘one thing’. Reverence is key to that one thing, however it might be defined.  Humility before the mystery of God is another way of saying a person is open to learn and grow.  It seems that Martha is caught up, not only with activity but a little envy, frustration and judgement of Mary.

Last week, I made it clear that the question “Who is my neighbour?” should be turned inward as we examine ourselves and ask “To whom am I being a neighbour?” This week we are also called to take a look at ourselves, rather than make value judgements on others.

Each person is responsible for his or her own relationship with God and activity in and for Gods kingdom. Each one is responsible for finding balance within their own life. The question today is “how is your relationship with God? And  what are you doing to share the kingdom of God with others?”


Reverend Shan