Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost – 3rd September 2017

The past few decades have been predominantly about the deconstruction of the faith in western Christianity. Many voices have contributed, calling to question the place of the Church in society or the truth of biblical teaching; or the moral and ethical principles that were once taken for granted.

Truly, every generation has to find its own truth. As culture changes and the demands of life vary, each aged find the truth that will sustain it. For St Paul, one of his concerns was to help new Christians know how to act and what to believe. Most of the Pauline letters are either correctives to those who were falling away, or encouragement to new communities of faith struggling to find their way.

Sometimes people are quick to judge Paul because they find him too critical and harsh, but it is important to remember that the pinnacle of all behaviour for Paul is the way of love. ‘Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, love what is good; outdone another with mutual affection’.

Amen to that!